Sunday, August 23, 2009

P1: Types and Shapes of Fingerprints

There are three main fingerprint patterns: arches, loops and whorls. 5% of fingerprint patterns encounters are of the arch type. The four types of arch patterns consist of plain arches, radial arches, ulnar arches and tented arches. Then there are loops which occur in about 60-70 % of fingerprint patterns encountered. One or more of the ridges enters on either side of the impression, re-curves, touches or crosses the line running from the delta to the core and terminates on or in the direction of the side where the ridge or ridges entered.

When searching for fingerprints the three main types of fingerprints you will find are visible prints, latent prints and impressed prints. Visible prints or patent prints ar efound in some medium bloodlike subtances which reveals them to the naked eye. Latent which arent noticeable to unless powdered with chemicals are formed from the sweat from sebaceous glands on the body or water, salt, amino acids and oils contained in sweat. Impressed prints or plastic prints are indentations left in soft pliable surfaces, such as clay, wax, paint or another surface that will take the impression.


  1. you need more COLOR on your blog other then that good job

  2. You NEED more freaking color, dude!! Fix the big gap. Put in more pictures. Other than hat it is good.

  3. i agree with madison u have done a great job u just need to add more color.....

